Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Busy week at work

I was involved in three independent launches this week:
  • My 20% Farsi keyboard launched on Monday. It's now listed in the Gadget directory. I've also embedded the gadget below.
  • We finished up a project that made some backend changes to Gmail. Nothing user visible, but some invisible things are now better.
  • OpenSocial is finally announced. It's launching on Thursday!


Blogger pooya said...

nice one. Have you seen the javascript code that implements farsi keyboard layout?

10:48 PM  
Blogger Hessam said...

Dear Reza,

(in english) It's Persian not Farsi.
For more information feel lucky!
"Persian vs. Farsi"


3:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

tanx buddy, it seems pretty cool 2 me ;)

1:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

thanks for this useful app dude but the name of the language is Persian not farsi

12:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dasteton dard nakone

3:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi. Thanks for the hard-and-nice work you've done with this gadget. You mentioned some change you introduced to gmail on google's official blog. I wonder if you can introduce some change to the search engine itself! Here's the thing: I bet you know the problem with farsi keyboard layout regarding ی and ي, and two forms of ک, one Arabic and one Farsi. Here's a bit of description:
My point is when searching google for anything containing these characters, and the search is meant in farsi not arabic, the google engine should not put any difference between ی and ي, or ک and the other form of it. Search results for one word containing any of these should be the same. At least that's what the Iranians expect when doing a search on google. I hope you get what I tried to explain!

9:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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6:19 AM  
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3:44 PM  
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5:32 PM  
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10:25 PM  
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9:27 AM  

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